Happy St. Paddy’s Day!
Yes, "St. Paddy's", not "St. Patty's"
On this day every year, we all celebrate something. Whether you decide the day is solely for downing pints of Guinness, dressing like a Leprechaun, or getting that green feeling from eating too much food instead, March 17th is a festive day for many reasons! St. Patrick's Day is about more than just green beer, though!
Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland and is celebrated on what is believed to be the date of his death in the 5th century. Ask any proud Irish person of his importance and they'll tell you, "well, he drove the snakes out of Ireland of course!" but there were most likely never any serpents in Ireland to begin with (History, 2020). I suppose you could also credit him with bringing Christianity to the Emerald Isle, but I like the story of Saint Patrick banishing all snakes to the sea much better.
At the Scottish and Irish Store, we've decked out a couple sections of the store with green goodies and made sure to keep an eye on stock levels for essential food items like Irish Soda Bread Mix, Irish Butter Toffee for the sweets fans, and Club drinks for those brave enough to create their own alcoholic masterpieces.
We love hearing about your St. Patrick's Day traditions, so leave some in the comments! Maybe we'll get some ideas for next year...
History.com. (2022). “History of St. Patrick’s Day”. History. Retrieved March 16, 2022 from https://www.history.com/topics/st-patricks-day/history-of-st-patricks-day
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