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Whats All The Vege-Hype?

Whats All The Vege-Hype?

What is Vegemite? 

As described by My Recipes, "Vegemite is a thick paste made from leftover brewers' yeast extract combined with vegetable and spice additives".
The brownish-black condiment paste is unanimous with Australian cuisine, and was created 99 years ago in Melbourne as a substitute of Marmite. 

How is Vegemite Used?

Love it or hate it, Vegemite is an acquired taste that takes some getting used to. Most Vegemite fans grew up with with having it on toast as for breakfast or as a snack, so the nostalgia of the spread is enticing enough to pick up a jar.
It can be spread on toast, used to top boiled eggs, for sandwiches, or as an afternoon tea spread on crackers.
So the question of the day is:

What do you use Vegemite for?


Buy Vegemite Here


National Museum of Australia; c=AU; o=Commonwealth of Australia; ou=National Museum of Australia. (2022). Vegemite | National Museum of Australia. National Museum of Australia.,American%20company%20for%20several%20decades.

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